Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Report/ Naraji Petition

Final Report/ Naraji Petition: If the police submits a final report recommending that there is no case against the accused, the Magistrate after carefully scrutinizing the report may accept or reject it. After rejecting the final report he may order for further investigation. He may direct inquiry and after examination if satisfied may take cognizance of the case. If the Magistrates accepts the final report, the aggrieved information can file naraji petition in the court.

                 ABDUL HALIM


  1. is it possible to file naraji petition against charge sheet?

  2. yes you have every entitlement to file Naraji Petition against Charge sheet if you think the CS is not proper as it is an independent petition and based on that the magistrate may order for further investigation and after investigation if he satisfied then he may take cognizance of the case.

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